Ticket purchase and use


By Director of the Lithuanian Zoological Garden in September 2023 By the order No. V-





1. The Lithuanian Zoological Garden (referred to as LZS) is a budgetary institution for the conservation of biological diversity and dissemination of nature conservation knowledge to the public, which keeps, cares for, breeds, and exhibits wild and other animals 365 days a year.                                              

2. Rules for visitors of LZS (hereinafter - Rules), which are approved by the Director of LZS by order developed based on national and international legal acts, regulating the welfare of animals, in accordance with the statutes of LZS, the Internal Rules of LZS, orders of the Director of LZS, aiming to ensure the safety of visitors and animals during their visit to LZS.                                                                          

3. The Rules regulate the procedure for servicing visitors of LZS, providing services, behavior on the territory and in the exhibitions of LZS. The Rules apply to visitors of LZS, employees, volunteers, persons engaged in commercial activities in the territory of LZS, service personnel, and other persons present in the territory of LZS.                                                                                                                                                       

4. LZS is not responsible for any damage or compensation arising from non-compliance with the Rules or improper observance, careless, or dangerous behavior of individuals.                                                           

5. Persons suspected of being intoxicated with alcohol or other narcotic or psychotropic substances are not allowed into the territory of LZS. Money for tickets is not refunded in such cases.                                    

6. Persons under 14 years of age can visit only accompanied by parents, guardians, or accompanying adults.                                                                                                                                                                                     

7. The safety of minors on the LZS premises and their familiarization with the Rules are the responsibility of their parents, guardians, or other accompanying persons.                                                                        

8. Vehicles are allowed onto the LZS premises only with the permission of LZS administration employees.

9. The following concepts are used in the Rules:                                                                                                     

9.1 Ticket - a document (including paper and electronic) confirming the conclusion of a contract between the visitor and LZS as the service provider, and the proper payment for a specific purchased service. The ticket is single-use and can only be used during one visit to LZS.                                                                   

9.2 Annual subscription - a document (including paper and electronic) confirming the conclusion of a contract between the visitor and LZS as the service provider, and the proper payment for a specific purchased service, granting the right for one person to visit LZS for twelve months from the date of purchase.                                                                                                                                                                             

9.3 Gift card - a document (including paper and electronic) confirming the conclusion of a contract between the visitor and LZS as the service provider, and the proper payment. The exact amount of the gift voucher is determined by the buyer's choice, it can be increased every ten euros to the extent desired by the person. The gift voucher is valid for twelve months from the date of purchase and can be used to pay for selected services provided by LZS. The price difference, when purchasing a service whose amount is less than the value of the gift voucher, is not refunded. A visitor who chooses LZS service(s) whose price exceeds the value of the gift card pays the price difference.                                                                                     


II LZS Working hours


10. The visiting hours of LZS (referred to as working hours) are approved by the order of the Director of LZS and officially announced on the LZS website www.zoosodas.lt.                                                                 

11. LZS has the right to change the visiting hours, close part of the exhibitions, or restrict the admission of individuals due to ongoing installation and maintenance work, events, the need to manage visitor flows, as well as other circumstances related to the activities of LZS. The ticket price for visiting LZS in such cases is not changed, except for exceptions provided for in the legal acts.                                                

12. Special events may take place at LZS outside of working hours by decision of LZS. In such cases, visitors are informed additionally and in advance.                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

III. Visitors ticket

13. Visitors are admitted to the LZS premises only during the hours established by LZS, with a ticket or with permission from LZS administration employees.                                                                                            

14. The working hours of ticket offices do not have to coincide with the end of LZS working hours. The working hours of ticket offices are established by the order of the Director of LZS, and this information is announced on the official LZS website and at the entrance to the LZS premises.

15. Tickets, including annual subscriptions and gift cards, can be purchased at LZS ticket offices and through the ticket sales system on the official LZS website www.zoosodas.lt.                                                           

16. Payment for tickets and other services provided by LZS are made by cash, bank card, or using online banking services through the ticket sales system.                                                                                                  

17. Electronic tickets on mobile devices must be opened in the original format sent. The visitor is responsible for ensuring internet access.                                                                                                                 

18. Money is not refunded for lost, damaged, or otherwise improperly used tickets due to the visitor's fault.                                                                                                                                                                                              

19.  Purchased tickets are not exchangeable, and money for them is not refunded, except in cases where services to visitors were not or cannot be provided due to force majeure circumstances or other requirements of legal regulations.                                                                                                                               


IV. Ticket discounts and surcharges

20. The prices for visiting LZS, applicable discounts, and surcharge amounts for tickets are determined by the order of the Minister of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania, and in certain cases, specific prices are established by the order of the Director of LZS. LZS has the right to apply special prices (discounts or surcharges), taking into account the organized event or celebration. Established and approved prices are announced on the official LZS website www.zoosodas.lt.                                                                                   

21. Persons seeking to purchase an LZS admission ticket with a discount or to visit without charge must present a valid document confirming their entitlement to the discount to the LZS cashier. Failure to present the document will result in the discount not being applied.                                                                          

22. When tickets are checked, visitors must present their ticket (paper or electronic), and if a ticket with a discount is used, they must also present a document confirming their entitlement to the discount.     

23. Discounts on tickets at LZS are applied to:                                                                                                        

23.1 Tickets for organized groups of individuals when the number of people is 15 or more;                             

23.2. Tickets for parents with three or more children (from 3 years old, upon presenting a family card, applicable from May 1st to September 30th); 23.3. Tickets for parents with three or more children (from 3 years old, upon presenting a family card, applicable from October 1st to April 30th); 23.4. Reduced-price single tickets for people with disabilities (from 2024-01-01 - individuals with disabilities), individuals with a 30-55% level of work capacity (from 2024-01-01 - level of participation), pensioners, and full-time students from 18 years old (upon presenting relevant documentation, applicable from May 1st to September 30th); 23.5. Reduced-price single tickets for people with disabilities (from 2024-01-01 - individuals with disabilities), individuals with a 30-55% level of work capacity (from 2024-01-01 - level of participation), pensioners, and full-time students from 18 years old (upon presenting relevant documentation, applicable from October 1st to April 30th).                                                                              

24. Free admission to LZS is granted to:                                                                                                                     

24.1  Accompanying persons when accompanying more than 15 organized group members, disabled individuals;                                                                                                                                                                                  

24.2 Children under 3 years old.                                                                                                                                    


V. Visitors rights and obligations

25. Parents, guardians, and accompanying individuals are responsible for the behavior of minors visiting LZS, ensuring safety and compliance with established rules.                                                                             

26. LZS visitors have the right to:                                                                                                                                   

26.1  During visiting hours (during LZS working hours), visit the LZS premises and exhibition spaces with a ticket or with permission from administrative employees;                                                                                

26.2 Photograph and film without paying an additional fee if the photographs and videos are for personal use; however, when ordering a professional personal celebration photoshoot or filming, or when conducting commercial filming, photography, or photoshoots, it is necessary to obtain a filming/photography/photoshoot permit, the price of which is determined in the list of services provided by LZS;                                                                                                                                                                                        

26.3 Report inappropriate behavior of LZS employees to LZS administrative staff;                                    

26.4 Utilize additional paid services provided within the LZS premises.                                                          

27. LZS visitors must:                                                                                                                                                        

27.1. Purchase a ticket and keep it throughout their visit to LZS;                                                                       

27.2. Preserve the environment and natural resources;                                                                                        

27.3. Maintain discipline on the LZS premises, exhibition areas, or during events, behave safely near animal enclosures, and not endanger their own, others or animals health;                                                           

27.4. Follow the warning signs, instructions, or other indications related to visiting the LZS premises, indoor areas, or events, as well as verbal instructions from LZS employees;                                                           

27.5 Comply with lawful requests of LZS employees and not interfere with them in performing duties established by internal regulations;                                                                                                                        

27.6. Report instances of property damage, violations of these rules or other infractions to LZS administrative staff by phone at (8 37) 332540 or to the police at phone number 112;                                   

27.7. Ensure that individuals under 14 years of age are accompanied by parents or other legal adults (guardians, accompanying individuals, etc.), who must ensure the safety of children (especially near predatory or dangerous animal enclosures, fenced areas, open water bodies, open exhibitions, steep slopes, or operating machinery) and appropriate behavior;                                                                                      

27.8. Follow the requirements of public order regulations;                                                                                  

27.9. Take care of their own and accompanying individuals health and property safety, not infringe upon the rights or legitimate interests of other LZS visitors, not pose a threat to their property or health;             

27.10. Dispose of all waste only in specially designated trash bins.                                                                 




Visitors to LZS are prohibited from:

28.1. Entering the LZS premises or exhibition spaces without a ticket or permission from administrative employees;

28.2. Releasing animals from their enclosures, attempting to unlock enclosure or door locks;

28.3. Disturbing or frightening animals;

28.4. Climbing on protective barriers and fences, planting or building on them;

28.5. Reaching or touching grids, netting, or glass separating visitors from animals;

28.6. Inserting foreign objects (sticks, branches, etc.) through grids or netting;

28.7. Feeding animals or throwing foreign objects (food, stones, etc.) into enclosures;

28.8. Entering restricted areas where only LZS employees are permitted; it is also prohibited to be in areas marked and informing about ongoing dangerous or potentially harmful activities to visitors' health;

28.9. Visiting LZS outside of LZS working hours;

28.10. Riding through the LZS premises or leaving sports or mobility equipment such as strollers, bicycles, roller skates, skateboards, scooters (including electric ones), and using drones;

28.11. Swimming and fishing in LZS ponds or other water bodies;

28.12. Littering the environment, polluting water bodies;

28.13. Making noise, playing loud music, or otherwise disturbing LZS animals, the rest of the visitors, or LZS employees' work;

28.14. Trampling, breaking, or damaging vegetation and plants, using them for animal feed;

28.15. Carelessly and not as intended using swings, slides, and other equipment on the LZS premises;

28.16. Introducing or bringing domestic animals into the LZS premises;

28.17. Bringing alcoholic beverages, narcotics, or other psychotropic substances onto the LZS premises, or visiting LZS while intoxicated from the mentioned substances or others;

28.18. Smoking on the LZS premises and indoor spaces except in areas marked with special signs;

28.19. Using fireworks, firecrackers, or other explosive and dangerous substances on the LZS premises;

28.20. Bringing weapons, sharp or dangerous objects, and other self-defense tools that could pose a threat to the health of visitors, LZS employees, volunteers, or animals, or to the inventory;

28.21. Filming or photographing animals using flashes.                                                                                       



29. Individuals who violate these Rules may be expelled from the LZS premises without refund for purchased tickets.

30. Individuals who violate the requirements of these Rules are liable according to the procedure established by the laws of the Republic of Lithuania and other legal acts.

31. Individuals who cause damage to LZS property or assets therein must compensate for the damage and additionally reimburse direct and indirect losses incurred.                                                                



32. In the LZS premises, within the Exotarium premises (in the educational center areas - cloakrooms and educational classrooms), shelves are installed for the temporary, uncompensated storage of visitors personal items (for no longer than the day of their visit to the LZS).

33. The shelves are locked with a combination lock. Instructions for locking the shelves are provided on the shelf or inside them and in the cloakrooms.

34. It is prohibited to store weapons, explosives, easily ignitable or other dangerous substances, as well as narcotics or other psychotropic substances, strong-smelling substances, food products, or any dirty or contaminated items in the shelves that could soil or damage the shelf or its interior in any way.

35. Visitors using the LZS personal item storage shelves are responsible for not disclosing the chosen shelf code to third parties. LZS is not responsible for the security of visitors property.

36. Visitors undertake to empty the shelf (remove personal items) and leave it tidy before leaving the LZS premises no later than the end of LZS working hours.

37. Designated personnel of the LZS administration have the right to unlock all shelves at the end of each LZS working day, check their contents, and, if necessary, remedy any defects in the shelf locks.

38. LZS has the right to demand compensation for damage to the shelf (both interior and exterior) or damage to the combination lock from visitors in accordance with the procedures established by the legislation.

39. Items not retrieved from the shelves by the end of the LZS working day are handed over to administrative staff for temporary storage. Found items are reported on LZS social media and/or the LZS website www.zoosodas.lt.

40. Within 7 (seven) calendar days from the notification on LZS social media and/or the LZS website www.zoosodas.lt, if the owner of the item does not appear, LZS has the right to dispose of the item at its discretion.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                



41. The Rules for visitors are available at the LZS ticket offices, within the LZS premises, and on the website www.zoosodas.lt.

42. Visitors, after purchasing an LZS ticket (both online and at the LZS ticket office), confirm that they have familiarized themselves with the Rules and undertake to abide by them.

43. LZS is not liable for any damage incurred by the visitor or third parties if the visitor did not comply with the provisions of the laws of the Republic of Lithuania or these Rules.

44. In case of minors failing to comply with these Rules, all responsibility related to improper compliance or non-compliance with the Rules rests with the accompanying persons (parents, guardians, accompanying adults).

45. All disputes arising between LZS and the visitor are resolved through negotiations. In case of failure to resolve the dispute amicably, the disagreement is resolved in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Lithuania.

46. Visitor's personal data is processed in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and other relevant legislation.

47. The Rules come into effect on October 2, 2023.

48. The Rules may be supplemented, amended, or repealed by order of the LZS director.               

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